The etymology of the word “Astrology” in its Indian roots (Jyotish) suggests that it is derived from the Sanskrit word “jyoti” which means light. As per the Vedas, a person’s Karma is directly related to the position of the planets and stars. The planets are always in different positions, starting from the time when someone is born to the time when he dies.
How someone is affected by the planets?
The Vedas say that everything is under the control of time and as per modern science time and space are interconnected to create the space-time fabric. Large cosmic or celestial objects like planets affect this fabric and though planets appear like small points of light in distance, they have massive energy fields on Earth that are responsible for our Earth’s planetary and human functioning. As we know now Astrology deals with the movement of planets and depicts its effect on human lives.
The science and art of Jyotish
As the pure light of scientific knowledge, Astrology implies studying someone’s health, habits, characters, and future based on the birth chart and the position of the planets. Pandit Kajol Shastri Ji is the best astrologer in Jaipur, who practices the science of astrology by calculating the positions of different celestial bodies with regard to a person’s birth or any other event.
The results are tabulated in numerous charts and tables and the rules of interpretation of the charts are also based on the study done by ancient Vedic scientists. The study of the planets takes several excruciating hours to pinpoint accurate results and is followed by a decision about appropriate remedial actions that lead to powerful, life-changing experiences. As a leading astrologer in Europe, Moscow-Russia, and one of the best Astrologers in Jaipur, India. Pandit Ji Kajol Shastri has years of experience in the field of astrology. He has worked with many clients all over the globe, and the results were indeed miraculous.
Comprehensive analysis of natal Chart
This includes comprehensive analysis of your psychological & physiological structure making you aware of strengths and weakness there in. Our learned astrologer gives insight into the whole range of your personal & social life as:
- The best carrier and profession
- The best way of investment makes optimum profit
- Handling of relationship with wife, friend, children, Boss, assistant, parents and society as a whole.
- Potential direction and area of rise in the life.
- Happiness from wife, friends, children and surrounding.
In this service we also give the prediction about the nature of coming periods weather they are good or bad to the whole life. Also, you will get the general suggestion how to use the periods in the best possible way. Finally, you will be suggested the few remedial measures to contract negativities and enhance the positivity’s. You can have comprehensive consultation for any of your family members.
Yearly Specific consultation
If you want to have more specific and detailed knowledge about the coming year, you can ask for this service. Pandit Kajolshastri is the best astrologer in Jaipur, India. Our learned astrologer will give you detailed Ideas about the nature of the coming year with suggestions on what to do and what to avoid. You will get a clear picture of good and bad periods within the years. Also, you will get the suggestion of how to counteract negativities and enhance the positivity supposed to appear within a year.
Monthly Specific consultation
Fortnightly and weekly consultation for business class people
Marriage and Business Compatibility
Compatibility basically means if two individuals have common or complementary qualities to get along. For any partnership whether marriage or Business to last longer or farewell, the commonness of qualities of mutual complementation is highly desirable. Pandit Kajol Shastri, is the best astrologer in Jaipur, India. Our learned astrologer compares the natal charts of two individual’s intent upon beaning partners and finds out the intrinsic qualities of the both. Further he analyses whether or not the qualities of one chart not suit the quality of others chart. If there are much commonness or mutual complementation the partnership is advisable or otherwise not. People with uncommon qualities are always in clash damaging the mutual progress of each other. It is highly advisable to take advantage of this service to mutually nourishing partnership.
Prashna Kundli (Horary Astrology)
Nast Jatakam (Lost Horoscopy) & Time rectification
In the modern-day life many people do not have the record of their date of birth, and they feel lacking in having to understand the course of their life through the help of Vedic Astrology. In Vedic astrology, there is detailed provision to find out the date and time of birth of an individual through some basic enquires. Our learned Jyotishi is the Best Astrologer in Jaipur, India is also an expert in this system. You can have a sure and certain date and time of birth contacting us. Having got the date and time of birth you can use the divine knowledge of Vaidic astrology for the evaluation of your life.
Kundali Bank
Kundali Bank is a unique scheme that we have started to be in touch to us customer to share their concern. Who so ever coms in our contact to have any kind of consultation we keep his address, contact number and his or her astrological details in our computer intact. So that from time to time we can address his or her concerns and share his view about the quality of consultation that we provide.
Membership Programs
Apart from the above servicer we have the membership program for our customer for better results, we provide below mentioned membership program for our customers:
- Permanent membership program
- Lifelong membership program
- Five-year membership program
- One-year membership program
- Special Business class membership program
Specialties of our remedial Measures
- Vaidic Yangya : Vaidic Yangya is sound therapy which restore the balance in any specific of an individual life. Which is not tune with cosmic life. For every specific disorder there is a specific valid Yangya. We have done perfect research in this field regarding which Yangya is more suitable showing balance in a particular aspect of life. Hence you can draw most effective result from our Yangya program.
- Gemstone : A gemstone brings surprisingly positive influence in your life if it suits you. But it is equally damaged if its not. Which gemstone is suitable for you is completely based on our specific planetary configuration of your natal chart. Our panel of Jyotishi is expert in finding out the suitable gemstone for you. Moreover, the quality of gemstone is guaranteed.
- Yantra : Yantra is a seed forms of specific divine powers. They fulfil your specific desire if they are properly spiritualized. In the market you do not get the properly spiritualized Yantra. For getting the yantra for the fulfilment of your specific desire log on to us.
Get in touch with Pandit Kajol Shastri Ji, the Best Astrologer in India for any further queries or information and consultation regarding astrology services.